Ever have a problem with house plants dying on you? It may be a simple equation of sunlight and water but I tend to have issues with this. Either too much water or too little. Sometimes too much sunlight. Some love water every day some don't. I have lots of house plants and love having them but I am a brown thumb when I try to take care of them. Much like a guy for me: If they can make it on their own we get along great (Independence is a great thing). If they are high maintenance we'll never be compatible. Plants are people too so they are different and unique and I have got them figured out about as well as I have men figured out. That's to say not at all and I've about given up.
Well, here's a trick. Clovers are like an indicator plant. I have this one plant that I absolutely love - it's a goldfish flower - the flower actually looks like a goldfish - well, it's super cool and I had such an issue with it. When I first got it it was happy and blooming and then it lived with me for awhile and I think I overwatered. The only thing that saved it was when summer would come I'd just stick it outside and let it be and then try to kill it again over winter. Well, last summer a clover planted itself in the pot with the goldfish plant. I began to use the clover as an indicator. When the clover started withering I knew it needed water. And being so resilient I kept the little bugger in there - hey something that I don't kill and destroy! (Plus it is cool on it's own and gives me photo ops). Well, since I started watering only when the clover says to - well my little goldfish plant has a bloom on it - first time since that one time when I first got it. And believe me that poor thing has been near death a few times living with me. It now looks all perky and happy. Thanks little clover.
I have a mini rose houseplant that hasn't bloomed for a while too and I've just went out and plucked a clover from the recesses of the sidewalk and got all the root and have now planted it in the rose planter. Maybe I can get it to bloom again too.
So, go pluck a clover plant from the sidewalk crack and plant it in your houseplants. Water only when the clover says to. Maybe your plants will be happier too! Good luck fellow brown thumb!