After watching the movie Julie & Julia, I thought to myself - self, I can totally do that. That might even be fun. But, I need to find the right cookbook. Looked through my stash and decided that it didn't seem like such a grand idea after all. First off, I don't even like some of those items (who wants to cook something that they won't even eat - not I that's who). Second, some of those ingredients are so out there, compared by my measly little kitchen, that I'd have to go buy ingredients that I'd probably only use that one time. Sometimes I just can't do the whole complex meal thing...wellllll, I can, but I am not going to unless there is some special occasion. Plus, I only cook for me so I'm not going to waste the expense or the food. Yes, I could cook for others but sometimes folks aren't nearly as appreciative as you wish they were :). But, I still like the idea.
So, I've decided to try a new recipe from whatever source I find it, whether it be a cookbook, online recipe site, or the back of a label and I'll post it here with a photo of how it actually came out - none of that smazzy dazzy 3 hour photo studio shoot with massive time spent on photoshop to make it look like it will never ever look once you actually cook it. Martha Stewart I am not - and soooo very thankful for that. Does she just not annoy the hell out of anyone else? I was listening to some show on the radio (not by choice) and she was all whiney because she got all confused when making strawberry shortcake - was she to sift the flour or not and oh how terrible it was that she just didn't know. I said Oh what the hell ever and changed over the channel to my favorite alternative rock channel and was rewarded with a Black Keys song! Now, that's more like it! Rock on!
So, I've decided to try a new recipe from whatever source I find it, whether it be a cookbook, online recipe site, or the back of a label and I'll post it here with a photo of how it actually came out - none of that smazzy dazzy 3 hour photo studio shoot with massive time spent on photoshop to make it look like it will never ever look once you actually cook it. Martha Stewart I am not - and soooo very thankful for that. Does she just not annoy the hell out of anyone else? I was listening to some show on the radio (not by choice) and she was all whiney because she got all confused when making strawberry shortcake - was she to sift the flour or not and oh how terrible it was that she just didn't know. I said Oh what the hell ever and changed over the channel to my favorite alternative rock channel and was rewarded with a Black Keys song! Now, that's more like it! Rock on!
Basically these will be fairly easy to make and good to eat. They will be posted whenever I make them so I'm not committing to a check back every day or even every week schedule. I'll try for once a week but we'll just see how it goes. Better yet the purpose is to serve as my personal online recipe book. No more scanning multiple books or digging through index cards to find that's right here. Cuz let's be honest - it's really about me! :)
Now Let's Feast!