Monday, December 22, 2014


This is a simple recipe but it takes a long time to make as the longer you refrigerate your dough the flaker it is.

Add to bread machine:
1 cup warm water (90-100 degrees)
3 Tbsp butter
Mixture of:
3 cups flour
2 Tbsp dry milk
3 Tbsp sugar
Create hole in flour mix without hitting the water and add:
3 Tsp yeast
Put bread machine on dough cycle. Start.

You will also need 3/4 cup of butter for next section.

Turn dough into a greased medium sized bowl.  Cover and refrigerate for 30 minutes.

Roll to 15x12.  With long side towards you cover 2/3 of dough with butter (thin slices or spread it).  Fold the unbuttered third over the center buttered third and then fold again over the remaining third.  Seal the ends.  Place on a cookie sheet.  Cover with wrap and refrigerate 30 minutes.

Roll to 15x12.  Fold in 1/3 from each end.  Place back on cookie sheet and refrigerate overnight.  If you choose to shortcut you can refrigerate for 4 hours but this will be less flakey.

Roll to 15x12.  Cut into thirds both lengthwise and width-wise (you will have 9 rectangles).  Slice each rectangle in half diagonally so that you have 18 triangles.  Roll from fat end to skinny end.  Let rise in a warm spot for about an hour.

Bake 375 for 12-16 minutes.

You just made croissants!  Yum!

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